

This is the website of the GENOMOS Consortium, initially launched as a EU-sponsored project on the genetics of osteoporosis and which has expanded to a research collaboration between 20 research groups worldwide.


Osteoporosis is a common, age-related disease with a strong genetic component. With increasing age of the population, Europe (and the world in general) is facing a substantial increase in osteoporotic fractures, which account for considerable disease-burden and costs.

Early identification and treatment of subjects at risk can help preventing this. Gene polymorphisms which predipose to osteoporosis are the most promising risk factors.

The AIM of the project is to identify osteoporosis risk gene polymorphisms. Such genetic risk factors will be studied in interaction with calcium-intake and response to treatment with hormone replacement therapy. Prospective meta-analysis of the largest population studies on osteoporosis is used to develop sufficient power to detect small, but clinically important risks. The project will ultimately constitute a collection of osteoporosis risk-alleles with quantified risks. Identifying such genetic markers is expected to improve the clinical risk-assessment for osteoporosis.

GENOMOS is a European Union Fifth Framework Package funded project, registered under grans agreement number: QLK6-CT-2002-02629


10th GEFOS / 20th GENOMOS Investigators meeting(2012-03-29)
We are happy to announce that we will be having a GEFOS/GENOMOS meeting in Stockholm, Sweden (parallel to the European Calcified Tissue Society Annual meeting [ECTS] 2012). The meeting will be scheduled on Monday May 21st 6:00-9:00 PM CET, co-organised by Claes Ohlsson and Liesbeth vanden Put. Sandwiches and beverages will be served. Venue: First Hotel Royal Star (http://www.firsthotels.com/Our-hotels/Hotels-in-Sweden/Stockholm/First-Hotel-RoyalStar/) > (adjacent to the convention center)
Replication genotyping GENOMOS studies(2010-04-09)
The second GEFOS meta-analysis on femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD including ~ 30,000 samples with genome-wide data is close to finalizing. De-novo genotyping in ~ 50,000 samples for about 80 SNPs from the BMD meta-analysis (and possibly other currently analyzed traits) will be pursued. This initiative is funded by the GEFOS FP7 EU Grant. Investiagtors interested in joining this GENOMOS effort please contact gefos[DOT]inw[AT]erasmusmc[DOT]nl. More information to come shortly.